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Reuse the past to build the future

Create the future with us using eco-friendly material

Discoveries and research

The universe creates it, nature develops it, and we innovate it.

Scarpa F.lli Torresi Viri-V 6MB

VIRI-V, the Rubber Re-usable

To learn more about the revolutionary material VIRI-V and discover how it can transform your industry, visit our website and read the full article here.

Dinosauri che indossano scarpe

VIRI-E, Sustainable Innovation for the Future

To discover all the potential of the revolutionary material VIRI-E and learn how it can transform your production, we invite you to read the full article on our website here.

They talk about us:

* The percentages shown refer to achievable results, are examples and do not constitute a guarantee of any kind. Each company will be considered individually, and the results will depend on their internal working conditions.

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